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Successful Startup: Challenges & Lifehacks

For many people, a stable job is the only right direction of professional development and climbing up a corporate ladder. And only a few dare to take a risk and come up with an idea to create a startup. There is no universal approach for launching a successful...

Faster time-to-market with smart solutions for IT

Time to market (TTM) plays an essential role in the failure or success of IT products. The sooner you jump onto the bandwagon, the more you’ll get. These are golden words correctly describing the need for accelerating time-to-market processes. TTM outplays ROI Time to...

How to deliver on time in software development

Dozens of coffee, red eyes, the whole team is on fire, and you are looking for new ways of expanding the number of hours in a day. Common sense? Yes, you know what it is. The Deadline. The horrible word which fears everyone from its first letters. Just read it one...

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